Obloquy – verbal abuse of a person or thing, censure or vituperation*, especially when wide-spread or general

Purveyor – one who purveys (to purchase and supply provisions, especially for a number of people)

Verity – truthfulness

” “With me,” Longfellow once noted, “all deep impressions are silent ones. I like to live on, and enjoy them, without telling those around me that I do enjoy them.” Remarks like these suggest that the image of Longfellow as a comfortable, reassuring white-bearded purveyor of the accepted verities – the basis of both his late-Victorian fame and his mid-twentieth-century obloquy – has mistaken the surface for the totality of his mind.”

Lawrence Buell, in the introduction to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Selected Poems

*Vituperate – to speak abusively to to or about; to berate; to revile

(Wow, that was a lot of new words at once!)