sharing my love of books with you

Tag: Sherlock Holmes (Page 1 of 10)


Wow, that’s a crazy looking word! I am sure I had never heard it before I read “His Last Bow”, one of The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. But, based on the context, I don’t think the word means crazy. For this word, we have to start at the base noun and the build on it so we fully understand it.

Stertor – an abnormal snoring sound accompanying breathing

Stertorous – characterized by starter or heavy snoring; breathing in this manner

Usage: “The German lay upon the sofa sleeping stertorously.”


Here is a word that I am sure I had never heard before I read The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Sadly, it is in the final short story, “His Last Bow”. Holmes was interviewing his suspect. Well, “interviewing” is not the best term. Rather, Holmes was telling his suspect exactly how and what he had done; in return, the suspect would tell Holmes why he had committed the murder.

Prevaricate – to speak falsely; to deliberately misstate; lie

Usage: “Now, … , how do you justify such conduct, and what were the motives for your actions? If you prevaricate or trifle with me, I give you my assurance that the matter will pass out of my hands forever.”

(Do you like how I omitted the name of the suspect? You will have to read the story to find out who it was.)


Here is a curious word that I found in “The Disappearance of Lady Carfax”, one of The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I wasn’t sure what it meant, so I thought I would look it up and share it with you, especially since Dr Watson uses the word to describe Holmes.

Adroit – expert at using the hands and body, nimble; cleverly skillful, resourceful, ingenious

Usage: “All this I jotted down and felt that Holmes himself could not have been more adroit in collecting his facts.”

Holmes on Leaving London

“Besides, on general principles it is best that I should not leave the country. Scotland Yard feels lonely without me, and it causes an unhealthy excitement among the criminal classes.”

Sherlock Holmes, “The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax”, The greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, circa 1911

October has been a Blur

My dear readers, thank you for your patience with my lack of updates and posts this October. My family had an unexpected emergency, and though I was still able to read in quiet moments, I had very little time to write on this blog. I am hoping November offers me a little more time for my books and for telling you about them.

What is coming up?

  • I finished Five Children and It, so I will be posting a summary of that book soon. It was a short book, an easy read, and I think you will enjoy learning the lesson the five children did.
  • I started reading a poetry book by Rumi, a twelfth century Islamic monk. Mary Oliver highly recommends the writings of Rumi, and I was glad to find a lovely copy at Barnes and Noble this month. Even though I have posted a few of his poems, I still want to do a From My Library post because the book itself is as lovely as its contents.
  • I still have a few Sherlock Homes words and quotes to share with you, even though I finished Holmes a month ago.
  • I am still reading through Herlock Sholmes, though I have slowed down this month since I finished Sherlock Holmes. Expect more quotes and adventures with Sholmes and Jotson.
  • I finished reading Mary Oliver’s A Poetry Handbook, but then I decided as an amateur poet, I needed to immediately reread the book and begin practicing some of her lessons. I plan to give you all a few of her poetry writing tips. Most importantly, Oliver states that a writer of poetry must be an avid reader of poetry.

Wow, that feels like a lot to accomplish in the next few weeks. It does feel good to list it all out for you and for me so that I have a goal to write toward. I promise, I will do my best to make it a fun and exciting ride. Because reading is amazing!


I have heard this word before and thought I knew what it meant. But when Sherlock Holmes used it to describe talents Dr Watson did not possess, I decided I should look it up just to be sure. It’s a really neat word, and it rolls off the tongue in a unique way, doesn’t it?

Dissimulate – to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; to conceal one’s true motives, thoughts, etc, by some pretense

Usage: “You won’t be offended, Watson? You will realize that among your many talents dissimulation finds no place…”

If I give you any more of the sentence, I’ll give away the conclusion of “The Dying Detective”, one of The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I’d rather leave you with this cliffhanger, so you will want to read it for yourself. I must say, I was not expecting the story to end as it did.


I came across this great word in “The Dying Detective”, one of The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The context made the meaning of the word very clear, but I still wanted to share it with you. It’s so long and sounds so important.

Perambulate – to walk through, about, or over; traverse; to walk or travel about; stroll

Usage: “Then, unable to settle down to reading, I walked slowly round the room, examining the pictures of celebrated criminals with which every wall was adorned. Finally, in my aimless perambulation, I came to the mantlepiece.”

(My first thought when I read this word was that it reminded me of a scene from Pride and Prejudice when Elizabeth walks round the room with one of the Bingley sisters.)


Here is an interesting and rather commanding word that I found in The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Dr Watson was called in by Mrs Hudson to attend to “The Dying Detective”. Sherlock Holmes was on his deathbed. With great imperiousness, Holmes’ cries to Watson to stand back so that he does not catch the disease which is killing him. It was quite a thrilling story!

Imperious – domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; urgent; imperative

Usage: “Stand back! Stand right back!” said he with the sharp imperiousness which I had associated only with moments of crisis.

Holmes on the Types of Cases he Likes

“I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with the case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution.”

Sherlock Holmes, “The Cardboard Box”, The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, circa 1893

Finished: The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Four Months

939 pages

I finally finished!

This volume of forty-four short stories and four novels has been my reading companion since June when I started this blog. I feel like I’m closing a chapter of my own life. I have to find a new book friend now.

I know I’ve said this in other posts, but I am so glad I finally decided to read the Sherlock Holmes stories for myself. Emphasis on for myself. There are little nuances and fun quotes that I missed when I just listened to them. And the dramatizations (radio, television, and movie) lose the sense of realism that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle achieved by using Dr Watson as his story-teller. (I have a post about that here.) My favorite example of this realism is when Doyle-as-Watson says in The Hound of the Baskervilles that he is transcribing his letters as he wrote them to Holmes. “One page is missing,” he says. Doyle didn’t have to put that in the story, but because he did, The Hound feels that much more real. It gives credibility to the story. That small detail is omitted from dramatizations because those are concerned with the story and not the method of story-telling.

I hope I have encouraged you to read some Sherlock Holmes stories. Each one offers a great adventure and puzzling mystery. Several have astounding conclusions. Over the next few days, I’m going to give you highlights from my favorites. Stay tuned!

One last word: I am so glad there are twelve more short stories, even if they aren’t in this volume. I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to my friends, Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes, just yet.

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