sharing my love of books with you

Month: February 2023 (Page 4 of 4)

Welcome to Freedom

“Commander Ryan,” Ramius said, drawing himself to attention, “my officers and I request political asylum in the United States – and we bring you this small present.” Ramius gestured toward the steel bulkheads [of Red October].
Ryan had already framed his reply. “Captain, on behalf of the president of the United States, it is my honor to grant your request. Welcome to freedom, gentlemen.”

Captain Ramius and Jack Ryan, The Hunt for Red October, Tom Clancy

Saturday, February 4

Good morning my friends! It is a beautiful, though chilly, morning here. My tea cup says, “Don’t let today be a waste of Makeup”, but honestly, I’d rather not put any makeup on today. I’d like to stay inside and finish some of my draft posts. Then, my goal is to finish the last 50 pages of The Hunt for Red October. If I do that, I can start next week with a new book. What new book? I have no idea. But for now, I’m going to sip my cinnamon pear tea and write. Have a wonderful Saturday!


Senescence – growing old; aging

Ethan Allen‘s was generation-old technology. Her S5W reactor was too dated for much more use. Nuclear radiation had bombarded the metal vessel and its internal fittings with many billions of neutrons. As recent examination of test strips had revealed, over time the character of the metal had changed, becoming dangerously brittle. The system had at most another three years of useful life. A new reactor was too expensive. The Ethan Allen was doomed by her senescence.”

The Hunt for Red October, Tom Cancy


Feint – a movement made in order to deceive an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point to distract from the real target

“A hundred miles behind the four fighters, ninety aircraft were following at thirty thousand feet in what would look very much to the Soviets like an alpha strike, a weighted attack mission of armed tactical fighters. It was exactly that – and also a feint. The real mission belonged to the low-level team of four.”

The hunt for red october, Tom Clancy


Supernumerary – being in excess of the usual, proper, or prescribed number; addition; extra

“Everyone was busy – except him. The pilots were up twice a day or more, exercising with their U.S. Air Force and Navy Counterparts working from shore bases. The ships were practicing surface war tactics. As Admiral White had said at breakfast, it had developed into a jolly good extension of NIFTY DOLPHIN. Ryan didn’t like being supernumerary.

The hunt for red october, Tom Clancy
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