sharing my love of books with you

Month: July 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

Obloquy, Purveyor, and Verities

Obloquy – verbal abuse of a person or thing, censure or vituperation*, especially when wide-spread or general

Purveyor – one who purveys (to purchase and supply provisions, especially for a number of people)

Verity – truthfulness

” “With me,” Longfellow once noted, “all deep impressions are silent ones. I like to live on, and enjoy them, without telling those around me that I do enjoy them.” Remarks like these suggest that the image of Longfellow as a comfortable, reassuring white-bearded purveyor of the accepted verities – the basis of both his late-Victorian fame and his mid-twentieth-century obloquy – has mistaken the surface for the totality of his mind.”

Lawrence Buell, in the introduction to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Selected Poems

*Vituperate – to speak abusively to to or about; to berate; to revile

(Wow, that was a lot of new words at once!)

Saturday July 1, 2023

It’s a coffee kind of morning. To be more precise, Creme Brûlée coffee and my Jesus & Coffee mug. Now I’m ready to sit down to my newest undertaking: a swashbuckling pirate story! I have no idea what I’m going to do with it. It came to me in the middle of the night about a week ago. Or rather, one or two plot lines came to me. Is this how writers write? Decide on a character, decide on a few great scenes, and spend the majority of their time figuring out how to link those few great scenes together? I’ve been thinking about it all week. It took me that long to decide on names for the pirate and the princess.

Here is a glimpse of the next few posts I intend to write:

  1. I finished the audiobook of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I won’t spend a lot of time on Jane, but I do want to tell you a little about why I hate the story but love the style. I know, shocking! There’s a classic that I am not fond of? Yes!
  2. I am currently in the middle of the audiobook North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. I love this story, I definitely love the movie with Richard Armitage, but I never read the book ’til now. I intend to compare for you the similarities and differences between North and South and Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice. You can’t tell with the movies just how alike they are. Once I realized Just how alike they were (about seven hours into the eighteen hour audiobook), that’s all I could think of. And it makes North and South that much better.

Those are the two big posts I will write the immediate future, so stay tuned! I also have some more new words and quick quotes to add this week. Such big writing plans, but for this morning, Pirates! Happy Reading!

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