John 4: 25-26 (KJV) The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
The story of the woman at the well is familiar to most Christians. Jesus went out of His way to meet this sinful woman of Samaria so that she could be saved. Beginning with a simple request for a drink of water, He had a conversation with the woman that led from the promise of everlasting life to confrontation of her sin to revealing that He was the true Messiah. Eventually, the woman left her waterpot at the well and ran into the city, exclaiming, “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”
During their course of their conversation, the woman said to Jesus, “Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship” (v. 20). She did what many sinners do when confronted with their sin: she dodged her need for pardon from personal sin by asking questions about religion. She brought up where God could be worshipped, and Jesus answered her that where was not as important as how God was worshipped. He said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Still not knowing Who she was speaking to, the woman said that she believed the Messiah was coming and would reveal all things when He came. It seems she still wasn’t convinced Jesus knew what He was talking about until He said, “I that speak unto thee am he.”
I believe that the woman was so caught up in where and how to worship that she was blind to Who was in front of her deserving her worship. God is the most important part of our worship. Without Him, we have nothing. Without Him, we are nothing. I looked up the word worship for this study. Two words that are repeated in the definitions of worship in both the dictionary and the concordance are reverence (respect) and honor (high esteem). God is due all the reverence and honor that we can give Him. Not only is He the Great Creator, but He is also our Loving Savior. He has literally done everything for us.
Sometimes I find myself falling to a routine or habit when I approach times for worship. At church: sing, pray, announcement, sing, sermon, pray. In my quiet time: a chapter, a moment of meditation, sometimes I write it down, done. Singing or listening to Christian songs: enjoying the lyrics, then going about my day. But worship is so much more than singing, praying, or sermon. It is me communing with God. When I think of Who He is, and who I am, it makes that time of worship so much more meaningful.
I have a challenge for us this month as we ponder worship. Let us consider Who we worship. Jesus, who wants to have a personal relationship with us. The Creator of the world. The Savior who gave Himself for us. He is Perfect. Everlasting. All Knowing. All Powerful. If we are in a church building, perhaps we could take an extra moment of silence before the service begins to think about what the Lord has done for us. If we are admiring nature, perhaps we could breathe a short prayer of thanksgiving for what He has made for us. No matter what we are doing, let us approach God with reverence and honor because of Who He is.