“Sir Percy Blakeney, as the chronicles of the time inform us, was, in this year of grace 1792, still a year or two on the right side of thirty. Tall, above the average, even for an Englishman, broad-shouldered and massively built, he would have been called unusually good-looking, but for a certain lazy expression in his deep-set blue eyes, and that perpetual inane laugh which seemed to disfigure his strong, clearly cut mouth.
chapter VI, The Scarlet Pimpernel , Baroness Orczy, 1905
“Zounds, my dear fellow did you ever see such a beastly day?”
“Odd’s fish!”
“Demmed uncomfortable things, duels, ain’t they, Tony?”
“Odd’s life, m’dear!”
“Beastly uncomfortable place Paris, just now.”
“La! m’dear.”
“Suddenly… a sound… the strangest, undoubtedly, that these lonely cliffs of France had ever heard, broke the silent solemnity of the shore. So strange a sound was it, that the gentle breeze ceased to murmur, the tiny pebbles to roll down the steep incline! It was the sound of a good, solid, absolutely British ‘D***!'”
chapter xxxi, The Scarlet Pimpernel , Baroness Orczy, 1905
(I don’t make it a point to share curse words often, however, the above quote is at one of the greatest turning points in the story. It makes me laugh every time. All I can say is you’ve got to read the book.)